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Menampilkan postingan dari Oktober, 2010

.:: Renungan Hati #1 ::.

Jangan percaya pada penglihatan karena penglihatan dapat menipu. Jangan percaya pada kekayaan dapat sirna. Percayalah pada Ia yang dapat membuatmu tersenyum. Sebab hanya senyum yang diperlukan untuk mengubah hari yang gelap menjadi terang. Carilah Ia yang bisa membuatmu tersenyum. Angankan! Apa yang ingin engkau angankan. Pergilah! Ke mana engkau ingin pergi. Jadilah! Seperti apa yang ingin engkau kehendaki sebab hidup hanya sekali. Engkau hanya memiliki satu kesempatan untuk melakukan segala sesuatu yang ingin engkau lakukan. inspired by "KETIKA HATI BERBISIK KENAPA AKU DIUJI?"

.:: Dear Son, Dear Daughter ::.

Dear son, dear daughter.. The day when you will find that I became very old, try to have some patience to me and try to understand me. If I get dirty by eating..if I have some difficulty dressing.. be patient! remember the hours that I spent to learn you any sorts of things when you were small. If I repeat the same thing dozens of time, does not interrupt me! listen to me! When you were small, you kept asking me to read you the same history, evening after evening, until you fall asleep. and I made it! If I don't wash myself any more so often under the shower, do not reprimand and do not tell me that it is a shame. remember how many excuses I had to invent to make you take a bath you were small. By seeing my ignorance towards the new technologies, do not laugh of me but leave me rather the time to understand